Frequently asked questions
Where is my data stored?
FP Sign stores your data exclusively in German data centers that are certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (ISO 27001 certification based on IT basic protection). FP Sign uses exclusively German servers.
Is the electronic signature legally compliant?
Yes, the electronic signature is legally effective according to the eIDAS regulation. It defines uniform framework conditions that allow electronic identification options and trust services to be used across borders.
FP Sign meets the requirements of eIDAS, which has been in force since July 1, 2016, for the used PaDES signatures (ETSI TS 119 142-1 or DIN EN 319 142-1:2016-08). eIDAS offers users the great advantage of legal security throughout Europe. Specific use cases include, for example, cross-border business relationships. Through our partners Bundesdruckerei and Swisscom, FP Sign also meets the requirements of the Trust Services Act (VDG). As a user, you can determine the level of security and thus the evidential value and legal validity of a document by selecting the type of signature yourself. -
What is an SES, AES, or QES signature?
Differences between simple, advanced, and qualified electronic signatures. There are three different signature levels with which you can electronically sign digital documents.
The Simple Electronic Signature (SES) is, simply put, an image file that you insert into your document. Although it allows you to add a visual signature to your digital document, it is not tamper-proof. Since we pursue higher security standards with FP Sign, we only offer the following signature variants:
The Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) assures both the sender and the receiver of the document's integrity: A verification of the signature indicates that it has not been altered – in case of manipulation, it would become invalid. If you, as the sender, opt for additional security through an SMS-TAN procedure, you also increase the security of the identity of your counterpart – thus additionally ensuring that your document is signed by the person you want to reach. The advanced signature is sufficient for a majority of documents in Germany (e.g., for offers and commissioning, broker documents, delivery notes, procurements, holiday requests, etc.), provided the AES is determined to be sufficient for these.
The Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is the highest and most secure signature level in Europe. To be able to apply such a signature to a digital document, the signer must uniquely identify themselves once. This works – depending on the provider and country – for example, through VideoIdent, an in-person Ident, or PostIdent procedures. Identification is also possible using the electronic ID card (eID). Identification here is an absolute requirement: The QES is person-bound and, according to eIDAS, the substitute for the handwritten signature. You can legally sign contracts with it, such as a digital lease agreement or a tax declaration. In our glossary, you can find many helpful pieces of information on common document processes. -
Is there two-factor authentication?
FP Sign supports two-factor authentication via SMS TAN or by logging into the system. For SMS TAN, the mobile phone number must be provided when setting up the signature process. If the counter-signer registers, the number can be changed in the profile settings.
Who developed FP Sign?
FP Sign was developed in Germany by FP Digital Business Solutions GmbH, a subsidiary of Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG. The solutions and expertise of FP Digital Business Solutions GmbH range from hybrid mail communication to electronic signatures and solutions for electronic legal transactions, to outsourcing their entire inbound and outbound management for physical and digital documents. This is complemented by customized machine learning-supported automation solutions for complex communication and workflow processes.
As a 100-year-old conglomerate, we faced the challenges of digital transformation and know that many recognize the goal but not the path. We have positioned our product portfolio so that we can support companies in every phase of transformation in a process-oriented manner.
How can costs be reduced with digital signatures?
By using digital signatures, you can completely digitize the entire lifecycle of your documents. Compared to paper-based processes, you not only save material and postage costs (administrative costs) for sending documents by mail: At the same time, you greatly simplify and accelerate the handling of business processes, thus saving valuable resources for yourself, your customers, and your partners.
Can I test FP Sign for free?
Yes, you can test the digital signature solution FP Sign free of charge and without obligation. The test ends automatically after the trial period. Here you can find more information and register.
Does my account remain after the trial period expires?
Your account remains free of charge, so you can review your previous signature processes as long as you want even after the trial period has ended. Also, all information on the integrity and legal security of the signed document is contained in the PDF file you saved and thus remains even after a download and the trial period expires. Companies are responsible for proper archiving according to GDPdU and GoBD.
How can I sign electronically?
With FP Sign, you can easily apply an electronic signature to a document. As the sender, you just need to upload the document, sign it digitally with a click, and send it to the counter-signer – done. As a counter-signer, you will receive a message with a link and are automatically guided through the simple signing process.
Can I use FP Sign on mobile devices?
Yes, you can use FP Sign either through a web browser, your application by API-Integration or via our app, FP Sign Mobile, available for both iOS and Android.
What document formats can be signed with FP Sign?
FP Sign allows you to sign PDF files, including in the PDF/A-1b format and various PDF/A-3 formats. You can also process Word or Excel files in FP Sign: these are first converted into a PDF and then digitally signed.
Do counter-signers need their own access to FP Sign?
You decide as the creator of the signing process whether counter-signers need their own free account. Alternatively, documents can also be signed without an account. In this case, we recommend two-factor authentication via SMS TAN for added security.
Can editable documents be used?
Yes, editable PDF files can be used. Examples include PDF XChange, Adobe Pro.
How can I ensure that the document is signed by the correct recipient?
When sending a signature request with an advanced signature, you as the sender can specify that the recipient should secure it – in the case of a qualified signature, this is even mandatory. The security is provided through an SMS-TAN procedure (similar to online banking). In some countries, such as Sweden, security is ensured through Bank-ID.
What options do counter-signers have via FP Sign?
When you send a document to your counter-signers for signing via FP Sign, they have several options.
- Counter-signers can refuse to sign a document and include a reason for the refusal.
- Counter-signers can sign the document with their own signature image or one provided by the system.
- FP Sign also allows for the exchange of fillable PDF documents, which are often used in the form of questionnaires, for example. Such documents, possibly pre-filled, can be completed, signed by the counter-signer, and sent back to you as the sender via FP Sign.
Can editable documents be used?
Signature fields can be freely placed on any page of the document for counter-signers. These fields are marked with a flag for counter-signers.
Can multiple documents be signed at the same time?
Multiple documents can be combined into one document and sorted as desired.
Do counter-signers need to provide a pictorial signature?
FP Sign provides selectable signature images. Personal signature images can also be uploaded.
How are notifications about the signing process and its completion handled?
You can decide whether counter-signers receive the documents by email. If counter-signers have an FP Sign account, documents can be securely downloaded directly from FP Sign via SSL download.
Can documents signed with FP Sign be archived in a revision-safe manner?
Yes, as digital signatures can secure the readability of a document for a retention period of up to 110 years. Thanks to integrity protection, any subsequent change to the document would be immediately indicated. On this basis, documents signed with FP Sign can be archived in a revision-safe and GoBD-compliant manner – they meet all legal requirements for document retention.
Can standard messages be stored?
In administration, you have access to every email text from FP Sign. Using the template function, you can also save the "Comment to All" or "Private Message to the Counter-signer" accordingly.
Is an English-language frontend available for counter-signers?
Yes, FP Sign is currently available in seven languages, with more being prepared. You can set the language for the counter-signer in FP Sign.
Is an automated reminder or deletion function available?
Yes, a deletion and/or automated reminder function is optionally bookable, and you determine the rhythm for the notifications
Identification & QES
Why do I need QES?
The Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is person-specific and, according to eIDAS, equivalent to your handwritten signature. The use of a QES requires a one-time identification.
Detailed information about the individual signature levels can be found in the "Usage" category.
Do I need a signature card to generate a QES?
Signature cards and card readers are no longer needed. You then use the remote signature option of our partners, Bundesdruckerei or Swisscom.
What identification options are available for the QES?
The following identification options are available: Self-Ident by your employees, Bank-Ident, Video-Ident & Identification procedures with the new Personal ID card (nPA), depending on the VDA.
Qualified electronic signature: How do I register for qualified services?
Depending on the chosen identification option through our partners Bundesdruckerei or Swisscom, the identity is verified using a valid ID card or passport along with a registration certificate. This process links the identity to the electronic signature. The QES thus meets the legal requirements for compliance with the written form.
Can I request a QES from counter-signers if they are not registered with a trust service provider?
Yes, that is possible. For example, through D-Trust Video-Ident or by employees of the law firm, via the Swisscom's Self-Ident.
Registration & licensing
Do I need to register?
To be able to electronically sign and exchange documents with FP Sign, you as the sender need to have an FP Sign account. This can already be integrated into existing CRM or ERP programs as part of an Enterprise solution. Alternatively, you can sign up directly via the portal fp-sign.com and create an account. As a recipient, you do not necessarily need an account with FP Sign.
Do I need a signature card to generate a QES?
No, counter-signers do not generally need any software nor an account with FP Sign – signing digitally with an advanced signature is possible without having an account. However, as the sender of a document, you can predefine that your recipients need an account. To be able to sign with the particularly secure, qualified electronic signature (QES), both senders and recipients need an account with FP Sign, and for unique identification, a second account with Bundesdruckerei or Swisscom.
How is licensing handled?
You determine in the admin interface who needs an FP Sign license. A license grants the right to send signature processes to any number of counter-signers. Pure counter-signers do not need a license.
Additional Information
Is there documentation and/or videos for FP Sign?
You can find the FP Sign manual in our learning center, also for download. In addition to helpful videos, you will also find our glossary as a valuable overview of various company processes.
Can you advise me on my processes?
Yes, our experts will not only advise you on the implementation of FP Sign as an integrated signature solution, but will also support you when it comes to digitizing and optimizing your processes. Get in touch with us!